Plants Get Sick Too
Insects, rodents and disease all want a piece of your garden to call their own. Cabbage Loopers gorge themselves on your Brassicas, Rabbits eat every carrot top that pops out of the ground, and Late-Blight will reduce your Tomatoes to a festering mess if given the chance
Wilson Home Farms uses the following organic products:
Wilson Home Farms can service any garden in the area with an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy.
Wilson Home Farms uses the following organic products:
- Pyganic: A broad spectrum OMRI-Approved pesticide that is based on compounds in Chrysanthemums called Pyrethrins.
- Dipel: A bacterium that colonizes the gut bacteria of worm pests like Cabbage Loopers.
- PureSpray Green: This Mineral Oil suffocates pests on your plants by plugging their air passages. It then leaves a coating on your plants that causes these pests to not recognize them as the plants they want to eat.
- Champ WP: Copper is a natural fungicide that works by denaturing proteins in bacteria and fungus.
- Serenade: A bacterium that is used to suppress fungal and bacterial diseases.
- Oxidate: Oxidizes, removes some electrons from the threatening fungus or bacteria, to manage the disease. Think: "Hydrogen Peroxide for your plants."
Wilson Home Farms can service any garden in the area with an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy.